Advertisement the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis at School of Biotechnology, SKUAST-Jammu

SKUAST (Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology) has offically announced the job notification for the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis.Applications are invited in the prescribed format, available on University website, from candidates for one temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the School of Biotechnology for of the academic session 2022-23.

S No.. Post (No.) Age limit                 Consolidated  wages                  Essential Qualification           Desirable qualification
1 Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics) (01) Minimum 20 years and not more than 55 years of age
as on 01-01-
Rs. 45000/- per
month for Ph.D.
and Rs. 35000/-
per month for
High second class (55
% marks) Post graduate
degree in
NET/SET/Ph.D. in
concerned subject &
Teaching/ Research
experience in
al Biology as evident from
documents /publications

Terms and Conditions for academic arrangement are as under:-
I. The engagement shall be purely on contract basis.
II. No legal right to claim his/her regularization/appointment by absorption or otherwise against any regular post in the University. In event of the relinquishing of the engagement one month notice is essential.
III. The appointment will be for one semester and the extension for one more semester may be granted subject to satisfactory performance of the contractee and availability of funds.
IV. Eligible candidates will be informed through E-mail only
V. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
VI. For more details with respect to application form refer to University website
VII. No application will be entertained after the last date quoted.



For more information please click on given below links


Offically Notification

Offically website

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